Weaving Resources
A little collection of information to help you with your weaving.
You can also watch our informational YouTube videos
- All about Reeds
How to choose the right reed for your project.
- All About Shuttles
Learn about the different types of shuttles and what they are best used for.
- All About Tapestry Bobbins
Learn about the difference between different styles of tapestry bobbins.
- All About Texsolv
Watch as we demonstrate the many uses of Texsolv cord & heddles (and it's larger cousin, Runlock).
- ETC Weaving Drafts
A few of the weaving drafts that we've put out in our newsletters. Some of these are full-on projects and others are just the start of something great for you to finish deisgning.
- Good Jul Table Runner
Weave a beautiful Swedish table runner for the holidays, or change up the colors for a classic design for any time.
- How Looms Create a Shed
Learn about sheds and how different types of looms create them for you.
- How much yarn do I need?
Review the math for figuring warp and weft yarn amounts.
- Measuring Heddles
How long of a heddle do you need for your loom? How long are the heddles that you have? Covers metal, string, and Texsolv heddles.
- Understanding Yarn Sizes
Learn what the numbers for yarn sizes mean and how to use them to buy enough yarn for your project.