Weaving & Drafting Your Own Cloth: New Guide to Weaving No. 3

Weaving & Drafting Your Own Cloth: New Guide to Weaving No. 3 | Weaving Books

Weaving & Drafting Your Own Cloth: New Guide to Weaving No. 3

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Weaving & Drafting Your Own Cloth
Number 3 - New Guide to Weaving

By Peggy Osterkamp

Book # 3 in New Guide to Weaving series. This book explains thoroughly how to weave efficiently, use shuttles properly, make good selvedges and finish your cloth. The Drafting chapter is reported to be one of the clearest explanations currently available, describing original drafts and analyzing fabric. There are over 365 illustrations, plus a comprehensive 17-page index.

Spiralbound Softcover, 135 pages
9.9 x 7.1 x 0.8 inches
Published 2005
ISBN-13: 9780963779397
ISBN-10: 0963779397 

Price: $44.95

SKU: Osterkamp
