Summer and Winter Rug Weaving

Summer and Winter Rug Weaving | Weaving

Summer and Winter Rug Weaving

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Price: $295.00

Shipping: Free

SKU: Workshop


Learn to weave a weft-faced wool rug in 4-shaft Summer and Winter with an emphasis on finished hems and card-woven selvedges.

Summer and Winter is a versatile weave structure that gives a lot of design options to weavers without a lot of shafts.

This class will focus on finishing methods for hems and selvedges that give a very professional and polished finished rug.

Pre-warped looms will be provided for this class so all you need to do is show up ready to weave.

Date & Time:

Friday-Sunday, May 2-4

CLASS TIME: 10am - 4pm


Nancy Kennedy


$295 + $75 Materials
