Sectional Warping Made Easy

Sectional Warping Made Easy | Weaving Books

Sectional Warping Made Easy

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Sectional Warping Made Easy
Includes Warping and Dressing the Loom 
By Russell E. Groff

Sectional is a type of warping particularly recommended for long warps and difficult yarns, such as singles linen and fine wool. Mr. Groff's small, but comprehensive book, describes all the equipment needed and gives complete directions for sectional warping in both words and pictures. The excellent photographs are very clear and almost make it possible to learn the process by looking at them alone. This is an excellent book for those who need guidance in using a sectional warping beam.

Paperback Spiral Bound, 26 pages
6.5 x 9.25 inches
Published 1998
ISBN-13: 9780686098263
ISBN-10: 0686098269

Price: $11.95

SKU: Groff
