Revelations in Rep with Kelly Marshall
Revelations in Rep with Kelly Marshall
Price: $395.00
Shipping: Free
SKU: Workshop
This workshop includes a lecture covering the unique characteristics of rep weave, color blending and designing, pattern block movement, selection of materials, and a demonstration of weaving technique. Each participant will be expected to bring a loom, warped according to instructions provided by the instructor. The instructions are for warping either a 4 or 8-shaft pattern, to create a 10” wide table runner.
For Intermediate Students
If you are registering a second person for this class, please write their name and contact information (email and/or phone number) in the order comments.
For this class you will need: | |
Loom | Loom with 4 or 8 shafts |
Warp & Weft | 5/2 mercerized cotton. Thick filler cotton (Maurice Brassard 8/16 or Lily Sugar n' Cream) |
A more detailed materials list and warping instructions will be sent to you before the workshop. |
For Loom Rental: Loom rental includes the use of the loom during the workshop.
Date & Time:
Friday-Sunday, March 21-23
CLASS TIME: 10am - 4pm
Kelly Marshall
$395 + $5 Materials