Handmade Holiday Bazaar - Details for 2024
The Eugene Weavers' Guild Holiday Sale & Celebration is here! They will be hosting a celebration on the Friday & Saturday after Thanksgiving with raffles, door prizes, demonstrations, and other activities.
If you are not a member of the Eugene Weavers' Guild and would like to sell your own handmade items at ETC AFTER the guild celebration, we would love to have you! Your textile-related items will go into our sale on Monday, Nov. 28th and remain until Dec. 24th.
Items Accepted: Each seller will be limited to 15 concurrent items. We prefer fiber/textile related items but are willing to consider other items. ETC reserves the option to decline to accept any item.
Drop Off: Items can be dropped off starting Wednesday, November 13 (10am-5pm). Each item should be tagged and inventoried. Items must be checked in with one of the ETC staff.
Additional Items: You can submit additional items until Dec 18, with no more than 15 items in the sale at one time. Example, if you submitted 15 items and 4 sold, you can bring up to 4 more items to add to the sale.
Pick Up: You may pick up your items at any time during the sale, but they MUST be checked out with one of the ETC staff. After the sale, please come and pick up your items by Saturday, January 11th.
Commission: A 20% commission will be charged for any items sold, with the remainder to be payable as a check in January.
Seller Code: Your seller code will be assigned to you when you check in your items. It WILL be different from the previous sales.
Tags: Each item should have a price tag attached with pertinent information about care and fiber content. We have tags for this year’s sale, and you are free to use ETC tags from the previous two years.
If you are a member of the Eugene Weavers’ Guild: You should submit your items to the guild sale. If you want to sell items in the ETC sale that were NOT accepted into the guild sale, please talk with Suzie to see if we will accept them.
If you have any questions, please call ETC and chat with Susannah or Suzie: 541-688-1565
Download this information & Seller Agreement as a PDF
Download Item tags (print these on cardstock!)