Handmade Holiday Bazaar - Details
Eugene Textile Center is hosting a low-key Holiday bazaar for local creators to sell their handmade items this holiday season. The sale starts the Friday after Thanksgiving (Nov 27) and lasts until December 24.
Items Accepted: Each seller will be limited to 15 concurrent items . We prefer fiber/textile related items but are willing to consider other items. ETC reserves the option to decline to accept any item.
Drop Off: Items can be dropped off starting Wednesday, November 11 (10am-5pm). To be included in the Black Friday Sale weekend, bring your items by Monday, Nov 23. Each item should be tagged and inventoried. Items must be checked in with one of the ETC staff.
Additional Items: You can submit additional items until Dec 20, with no more than 15 items in the sale at one time. Example, if you submitted 15 items and 4 sold, you can bring up to 4 more items to add to the sale.
Pick Up: You may pick up your items at any time during the sale, but they MUST be checked out with one of the ETC staff. After the sale, please come and pick up your items by the new year.
Commission: A 20% commission will be charged for any items sold, to be payable as a check after the sale completes.
Seller Number: Your Seller number will be the same as the EWG 2019 sale, or if you do not have one, you will be assigned a special ETC seller number.
Tags: Each item should have a price tag attached with pertinent information about care and fiber content. We have special tags for this year’s sale, and you are free to use past tags from the Eugene Weaver’s Guild Holiday Sale.
If you have any questions, please call ETC and chat with Susannah: 541-688-1565