Reimaging Rainbows: Oregon’s Wild Mushroom & Lichen Dyes

Reimaging Rainbows: Oregon’s Wild Mushroom & Lichen Dyes | October 2024

Reimaging Rainbows: Oregon’s Wild Mushroom & Lichen Dyes

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Price: $595.00

Shipping: Free

SKU: ETC-wkshop


Embark on a transformative three-day journey delving into the vibrant tapestry of color found in Central Oregon and the adjacent coastal woodland wonderlands. Throughout this immersive course, we will be working with the treasure trove of color that lurks in the damp shadows of the region.

Our exploration commences with a slow, meandering stroll through a local urban park. We’ll look closely for signs of fungal activity and hone our skills for observing mushrooms and lichens in their natural habitats. We'll cover the basics of fungal ecology, how to look at and describe specimens for identification purposes, and how to ethically collect them for identification and use. We’ll follow up with an exercise in testing mushrooms and lichens for dye potential and explore ways to expand our test results into larger batches of vibrant fiber.

On day two, we'll work in ETC’s lovely dye studio. Using a curated array of Oregon's finest wild dye species, we will unravel each fungal variant's unique pathway to vibrant color. Together, we'll coax out a full spectrum of hues, celebrating the diversity of Oregon's rich mushroom and lichen dye palette.

On the third day, the culmination of our experience unfolds as we dye our own selection of protein fibers: wool, silk, alpaca, and the like. Bring or buy 4oz of protein fibers for dyeing, plus additional fiber to make use of possible surplus dye. Fiber should be washed and labeled. This aspect of the workshop shows us firsthand how fiber selection influences the final color presentation, which empowers us to make informed choices for future projects.

As you immerse yourself in this 3-day experience, you'll forge new connections with fellow enthusiasts and gain the tools and experience to incorporate mushroom and lichen dyeing into your own practice. In addition to your vibrantly dyed fiber, you’ll take home a detailed instructional guide, a field testing kit, a beautifully crafted silk scarf, and a wealth of recipes and samples showcasing Oregon’s mushroom and lichen dyed rainbow.

Date & Time:

Friday - Sunday, October 18 - 20


Alissa Allen

