Kromski Sonata Encore Traveling Wheel with Bag

Kromski Sonata Encore Traveling Wheel with Bag
The Sonata is a full-size spinning wheel that folds and packs away as a small package, making it perfect for traveling, guild and festival gatherings or simply storage when not in use. The Kromskis have put a lot of thought into the Sonata. Full size yet small dimensions when folded, easy to set-up and take down, solid feel, solid footprint, plenty of foot room, easy treadling on double treadles, orifice at a comfortable height and classic looks. Spokes that draw your attention, every piece of wood with cuts, curves and character; this is an appealing spinning wheel that is a pleasure to use.
Now the Sonata comes standard with the magnetic sliding hook flyer for quick and easy bobbin changes.
A custom-made, heavily padded bag offering you a convenient way to pack-up your Sonata for travel or storage is now included with your purchase of a Kromski Sonata.
Optional flyers can add to the total range of the Sonata. The Jumbo flyer offers lower ratios and a larger orifice - .70" - and the Faster flyer increases the ratio range up to 18:1.
• wheel diameter - 19"
• folded dimensions: 22" by 19"
• orifice height - 30", but can be raised as much as 2";
size - 3/8"
• bobbins: 3 included; will fit all other Kromski wheels; Kromski regular bobbins have yarn capacity that is 50% greater than many other popular wheel bobbins; a plus for any spinner
• single drive with Scotch tension
• also includes threading hook, attached Lazy Kate and bottle of spinning wheel oil; uses an elastic drive band
• Ratios: 6.7, 12.5, 14 to 1; see optional Jumbo and Faster flyers below for other ratio ranges.
• ball bearings on wheel crank; flyer bearings are custom designed injection molded parts engineered by the Kromskis for excellent performance.
• Weight - 11.5 lbs.
Available with a clear, walnut, or mahogany factory finish.
Price: Price Varies